Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do You Have Work-Induced A-D-D?

Do you have, what I am calling, work-induced ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)? I know I do. And worse yet, it is pretty much self-inflicted.

What do I mean by WIADD? (Everything needs an acronym, right?) Basically, it is multi-tasking to a point where you are not really getting twice as much done by doing two things at once. In fact, you’re actually getting half as much done because the quality isn’t as good. That’s a totally subjective conclusion and based on zero hard data. But tell me you don’t think that is true?!

I mentioned “self-induced” earlier. I say that because I voluntarily use two monitors at work. That way, I said to myself, I can still read and respond to email on one monitor, while participating on a web conference on the other!

Now, sarcasm aside, I actually do find it helpful most of the time. As I just keep my calendar up on one screen and do my work on another … purely for easy reference. (Talked myself into that one, eh?) However that rationalization defeats my point. My point is, BE IN THE MOMENT. Or in the world according to Ty Webb, “Be the ball, Danny, be the ball.”

My ask of you: if you’re on a conference call, close your email and listen to what they are saying. Because invariably you will half-heartedly agree to something on that conference call which you really didn’t hear fully. Only then to realize the ramifications 2 weeks later, to which if you had been listening in the first place you would have never agreed to. And now, you’re two weeks behind schedule.

So, give someone the respect that you would want. Be a good, no great, listener. And then maybe we can solve this dreaded WIADD.

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