Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Autumn: Greatest Time of the Year

Everyone has their favorite season. You do, right? Well, mine is autumn, a.k.a. Fall. I live in the northeast US, and we have the luxury of getting all four seasons. This is probably why my family loves it here so much.

But there are just so many great things going on in the Fall that give me a sense of renewal. Now, that may sound counter-intuitive, as the Fall is when all of our gardens and flowers die, and our trees drop their leaves. Spring is supposed to be for renewal.

True, but think of these battery chargers:
  1. Kids are back in school (my wife’s #1 also)
  2. Football season starts
  3. The real baseball season starts (that would be the playoffs)
  4. Long, hot days of summer are gone, and that first decision of “do I actually need a jacket today?” before you go out the door
  5. The smell of fallen leaves and fireplaces  
I also get a sense of renewal as my work colleagues from Europe return from their ‘August holidays’ and we can now start to “end the year strong” and also begin our various 2011 planning processes.

So, while Spring is the traditional “renewal” season … for me, it is the Fall. Enjoy it. Catch your kid’s soccer or football games. Better yet, sign up to coach them. After all, it is the greatest time of year.


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